Wednesday, October 5, 2011

exciting life news/not really/nothing happens to me

So Laz and the hipster bitch broke up. She dumped him obviously, he was enjoying getting laid on a regular basis with someone who doesn't yell at him to "cum al-fucking-ready" when she gets bored and hungry (ME). I would like to make it very very clear that I have no negative feelings towards this girl, I only really remember her from one instance at Sophie's house a couple years back when this girl ate a club pot brownie and over dosed. It answered a few questions I had been pondering with at the time (do asian people have lower tolerances? YES. can you OD off pot? YES. how many times can this bitch throw up? MANY MANY TIMES) and I split before the ambulance was even called, so there were no real implications for me. Except Sophie getting kind of pissed at me for not helping her clean up this girl's puke.

But really, I hardly know her at all. She made my Lazarus happy, so I was a fan. But then she dumped him like a week into their relationship, which is kind of bitchy, but I can't hate her just for breaking up with my friend. That's just immature.

What bums me out about the whole episode is that Laz is depressed again. I swear he PMS's backwards- generally pretty happy and functional for about a week and then really fucking moody and depressed the rest of the month. I try to make him happy, but it's difficult due to him not actively wanting to have sex with me. I can't flash him when he's feeling down anymore, I guess that's crossing a line. Plus it wouldn't be anything special that he hasn't seen before. More like "Oh, hey Andy's tits" as apposed to "BOOBIES!!!".

This is really fucking terrible. Sorry followers, I took a LOT of Vyvance (ADD meds->legal speed!) tonight. My jaws about to huuurt tomorrow.

Love, Andy
(What the fuck am I saying?)

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