I am starting a new project. A simple flyering production for the lovely new batch of Gilman preteen punks. The image above is a prototype of the flyers I will be xeroxing and spreading around town myself. Especially downtown Berkeley, Ohlone trail, Berkeley BART, and the Gilman area. I want these fuckers to see them and know that they are hated by someone. Someone with a copy machine. I want the old crew to see them and laugh and remember the "Colin Likes it in the Butt" flyers of 2010 and hopefully come together in camaraderie.
You might be wondering, "Why do you care so much about some stupid kids, Andy?" And let me tell you why. They have taken everything I care about and hold dear and parade it about like a fucking accessory. The band shirts they bought with their parents money, their brand new iPods loaded with songs screaming about poverty. What do they know about the music they listen to? Absolutely nothing. All they care about is getting fucked up and looking cool. They think they're so fucking alternative, when in actuality they are just like everyone else. Take away the studs, take away the patches and the stupid hair cuts and they have the same sheep mentality as the people they rebel against.
Not only have they made me question the legitimacy of what I love, but they have taken away my second home. The Gilman, which used to be run by my crew, is now infested with these idiotic herd minded preteens. I don't go there anymore, it just makes me angry and I hate having to deal with the drunk baby punks.
This isn't just for me. This is for Valentina and Lazarus. This is for the whole old crew. They took our home from ALL of us. I'm don't think this is some grand revolution, but hey, it's fucking something.
I'm getting pissed off, it's 5:30 in the morning, and I have more work to do.
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